Saturday, February 7, 2015

A new video with a small tip but important, and new pendants

Sometimes you should try and get out of your comfort zone... Well, maybe more often then sometimes...
This is how you do it: When you start working, and you find yourself drown to your usual techniques, size and shapes...
Turn the other way around:
If you make something small -   make it bigger.
If your hands draw a circle - draw a square instead!
When your head tells you to keep the colors toned down, make it a little bit more vivid and make it work...
And when you shop for supplies online, go for whatever strikes you as "Kitsch" or "Not what I'm looking for" at the first glance.
Those things are exactly what's on my desk right now:
A large square that owns the atmosphere, dangling from a kitschy necklace (Plastic is as kitsch as you can get...) with large links

                   They are all combination of my transfer teqnique and my cosmic ceramic teqnique. 
transfer paper, hillovely,hilla bushari, fimo, polymer clay, faux ceramic

The chain itself is rather short (although this chain "required" length... because of it's size), so the medallion will take place on a lovely knit sweater or a witnrey tunic.
(please forgive photo quality, which dropped because of cloudy sky on the day of the photoshoot)

In the middle of the procces, on my surface working 

You mustn't throw away leftovers (it is known), instead: create pendants and brooches ,with surprising combinations
ransfer paper, hillovely,hilla bushari, fimo, polymer clay, faux ceramic

ransfer paper, hillovely,hilla bushari, fimo, polymer clay, faux ceramic

No time or will to create? Buy my necklaces here
ransfer paper, hillovely,hilla bushari, fimo, polymer clay, faux ceramic

ransfer paper, hillovely,hilla bushari, fimo, polymer clay, faux ceramic

ransfer paper, hillovely,hilla bushari, fimo, polymer clay, faux ceramic

ransfer paper, hillovely,hilla bushari, fimo, polymer clay, faux ceramic

ransfer paper, hillovely,hilla bushari, fimo, polymer clay, faux ceramic

ransfer paper, hillovely,hilla bushari, fimo, polymer clay, faux ceramic

Using an exacto knife? Do you know how to change the blade carefully and without getting wounded or hurting yourself?
Click on the video down below, and watch how simple it is to do it safely and without wounding yourself.

If you are still missing an exacto knife, you can buy it on my store in a fair price-including 10 extra blades. 

See you next time! Don't forget to share on Facebook, your e-mail or any other way, so that more people can read and enjoy!

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